Sunday, May 12, 2013

Red Breasted Mergansers....

These Mergansers are such a beautiful pair.  I had to sneak up on them to capture this photo.
Someday I might invest in a bigger lens, but then again that might
spoil all the fun of trying to capture a photo.
I'm sure they were wondering why I was hiding behind a boat dock!!
The male was always between me and the female protecting her.  
The lake still had a lot of ice so flying away was not their best option.
These are beautiful diving ducks.  They feed on fish, (fry, minnows, herring)
and occasionally shrimp or crabs.  They usually dive for food, hunting on lakes and rivers,
in coastal bays and a sea.  These two were on Kenai Lake.


  1. I love the sweet look on the female's face and the rather fierce one on the males. This is an amazing picture. Diane
