Monday, June 11, 2012

Baby Canadian Geese

I had fun the other day taking photos of 
a family of Canadian Geese.

 These little ducklings are only about four days old.

They were very busy eating fresh grass on the banks of
Campbell Lake.

Their proud parents kept  a very watchful eye on 
their nine little babies.

They were adorable!!!

They stayed close to their parents.

The fresh grass was a real treat for them.

What cute little chicks!!

I hope you enjoyed your visit with them.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fiddlehead Fern Recipe!

Fiddlehead Ferns are out in Alaska!

These lovely little scrolls make
a wonderful addition to
a meal.

If you live where these are fairly abundant you might 
want to collect some and try the following 
recipe.  A lot of people like to twice boil these 
little fiddleheads, but I think that's a little harsh
for these delicate little morsels!!

Try sauteing them with olive oil
2  cloves of garlic sliced
juice of one lemon,
salt and pepper to taste 
Parmesan cheese to taste
